Kobe and Gianna Bryant

Dear Kobe

A letter, written to someone I admired, revered, respected, tried to emulate. The world will forever feel the pain of his absence, it simply isn’t as good without him. Dear Kobe— You were a legend. I hesitate to even write the word, because I feel the word pales in comparison to who you were and […]

Front door of a JohnHart home for sale, flanked by two decorated Christmas trees

‘Tis the Season to Sell Homes (Fa la la la laaaaa, la la la laaaa)

Everyone who’s anyone in this industry is familiar with the term “spring selling season,” which defines the time of year when homes typically go on sale and buyers and sellers go to work. Sellers are busy cleaning and preparing their homes for open houses, viewings, pictures, and agents. Buyers are busy searching for the perfect […]