real estate commission caps

How Can You Deliver True Value to Your Clients When You Solely Focus on Real Estate Commission Splits?

A lot of companies like to claim that anything less than 100% is unacceptable. But consider what this really means for a moment. It means absolutely no mistakes. Sounds like a pretty tall order, right? But now let’s examine this through the lens of the real estate industry. In real estate, one mistake can cost […]

harout keuroghlian of johnhart real estate exsplain power of influence and persuasion

The Power of Influence

There are few terms more liberally thrown around these days than “influencer.” Naturally, with such a hot button topic, you’ll find virtual libraries of content about influence. Yet, I had trouble finding anything out there about influence in real estate. I started contemplating my own definition of an influencer, which is likely different than what […]