Schools in Wilmington

About schools in Wilmington

Wilmington has schools. One of the highest rated schools according to great schools is , with a rating of in . It has enrollment of students. This school in Wilmington are part of .

Information about the great city of Wilmington

Wilmington is a neighborhood in the South Los Angeles area of Los Angeles, California, covering 9.14 square miles.

Featuring a heavy concentration of industry and the third-largest oil field in the United States, it is considered sparsely populated in comparison with the city as a whole. It is notable for its youthful population and its high percentage of Latino and foreign-born residents.

It is the site of Los Angeles Harbor College, Banning High School and ten other primary and secondary schools. Wilmington has six parks, including one on the waterfront.

Wilmington dates its history back to a 1784 Spanish land grant. It became a separate city in 1863, and joined the city of Los Angeles in 1909. Points of interest include the U.S. Army headquarters for Southern California and the Arizona territory during the Civil War.

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