Cycling in Los Angeles is Scary… But Could These Improvements Make It Easier?

It’s easy to see Los Angeles as a city at-odds with its cycling community. Historically, it hasn’t done much to beat this reputation. A megalopolis measuring approximately 4,850-square miles with a subpar public transit system tends to encourage automobile-dependence. But these days, it seems the city is at least trying to offer alternatives. Attempts to […]

Even with California Rent Control, Tenants Could Be Enduring 10% Rent Hikes This Year

Rent control has long been the barrier tentatively protecting the Angeleno renter from unmanageable rent hikes. Virtually anyone who’s recently left the city will cite high rent as a factor in their move. The state as a whole benefits from California rent control guidelines. Certain pockets of the city even enjoy stricter Los Angeles rent […]

Vegas Mayor Responds to Fremont Street Violence with Possible Curfew

Featured image credit: Jean-Christophe Benoist Las Vegas has a reputation as an “anything goes” adult playground. But would a Fremont Street curfew change that feeling of unrestrained debauchery? We may be finding out as city officials, including Mayor Carolyn Goodman, consider ways to curb an increasing trend of violence.  Five Years Since Tragedy Struck Mandalay […]